Sunday, January 9, 2011

Avoiding the clouds

Crew: 2
Pax: 1

Even with a forecast of low scattered and broken clouds, it was a "go" decision.

Weather has been nasty for one week now. Thunderstorms, rain, gusty winds, you name it. Today, however, things were getting a little better. No TS, RA or CB present in available TAFs. Less BKN and more SCT cloud coverage inspired us to fill out our flight plans to Portimão and back to Cascais.

It was a really nice flight. I flew the southbound leg under the mighty cumulus that started to appear after Setubal. The big dark chunks of water droplets refused to allow the sun light to pass through and we even got some light rain near Sines. Sometimes, however, beautiful sun rays ventured between the clouds offering us such an amazing display. Showing enough respect for the cumulus, I didn't dare to climb on top. Visibility was very good from where we stood and we didn't have to dodge clouds so I decided to maintain 3000ft.

CS-AZB, a C152, had departed 5 minutes ahead of us following our same route so we knew our Arrow would eventually catch the smaller and slower flying aircraft enroute. It happened between Lagoa de Albufeira and Setubal. Lisboa approach was getting a little nervous giving us regular traffic advisories but it was Ana, our only passenger in the back, that first spotted the little blue airplane.

In about 1h05 we were flying overhead the field at Portimão. Light winds from the West gave us runway 29 for landing. We were joining left circuit for full stop landing while another aircraft was climbing over us to FL140 for some skydiving fun. Never got why those guys want to jump off a flying airplane anyway...

Brakes, undercarriage, propeller, fuel, flaps ... checked. No electrical trim working for us today, had to use the wheel. Landing light was out too. The Arrow was now passing over the tree tops at 90 mph while I pulled back the throttle gently to idle over the hill just before threshold. Slight pitch down towards the runway to descent at 85 mph and then flare. Nice and soft touchdown. Got this one right :)

Gustavo has flown the return leg. The deviation card came off the compass at brake release for takeoff. You have to fear the mighty Lycoming IO-360 at full throttle. Steady climb to 2000ft direct Sagres. The sight was really nice as the sun was starting to come down and painted the landscape in yellow tones. After Sagres and with a slightly clearer sky, we asked for FL065 northbound along the coast line. At cruise altitude, we were getting -2 degrees Celsius outside and had to use the potentially dangerous cabin heater. I have to buy one of those carbon monoxide detectors.

We were now over the scattered cumulus at 125kt ground speed. Fuel pressure on green, fuel quantity checked, ammeter charging, oil pressure is good, oil temperature is good, life is good.

After Sines we flew direct to Espichel and then to Cascais. We ended up landing smoothly with the runway lights on shortly before sunset. Someone up there certainly loves us.

Waiting for the next flight...

1 comment:

  1. Loved the title, loved the photo, loved the text, would have loved to be onboard but was getting ready to get above transition altiude...

    Thanks cpt.
